How to get to and from Gothenburg with bus.

Save on your hotel -

Nettbus takes you to many cities in Sweden and scandinavia for an affordable price
You pay round 20€ for a trip between Copenhagen-Gothenburg or Gothenburg-Oslo. You are also able to reach Stockholm, Norrkoping, Jongkoping, Landvetter airport and 16 more places with this option.

routable, timeschedules for train and buses in gothenburg
Time tables with bus and trainstations in and around Gothenburg(opens in a new window)
On this map you are able to see what buses or trains to use for getting in and out of the city.

At the moment you'll get a long way with your money in Sweden. Our neighbours like Denmark, finland and Norway are calling our Krona "pesetas". 10 years ago we travelled from Gothenburg to London Cristmas shopping. At the moment we can't afford it but other countries are able to get a lot of value for their money. You are able to see currencies here.

västtrafiks webbplats, turlistor, trafik, störningar, tidtabeller

This is our bus, tram and local train in Gothenburg. Now you are also able to search for buses in english. The bus from the airport are stopping by Drottningtorget or Nils Ericsson platsen.
swebuss express
When you´re finally here
Is a convenient way to get around on different places in sweden. You buy one ticket that covers train, bus, boats and other ways of travelling.
I also recommend all the different cards you've got for vasttrafik. One exciting card is called "Regionen runt"(something like round the region) where you are able to travel with local trains, buses and trams for 315 skr(about 30€ or 40$) where you are able to travel round whole of Vastergotland county in 24 hours. Could be an affordable way for going between Gothenburg to Lidkoping, Mariestad, Dals Ed and similar. You read about it on Vastrafiks website(in swedish), in english. This card is also available for three days or 72 hours for 630 skr(about 60€ or 80$). this ticket por card allows you to take 3 passengers younger then 20 years for free. An affordable ticket for families.
Father's Day 120X90

Resrobot (or travel robot) shows you the way to most places in Sweden with train, tram or bus>>>